About Kristina

Hi! First, thank you for stopping by my blog!

Here’s a little bit about me. I’m a San Diego native and I love this wonderful city I live in. I’m passionate about food, sustainability, and the environment in general. I’m a corporate accountant by day, and the rest of my time is filled with my entrepreneurial ventures of real estate, coffee shop, and more.

I strive to live a life true to my own truth and not what others expect of me. I’m really into self-help and business books. If you have a good read, let me know!

I do a lot of cooking! It gives me joy and that’s why I do it. Desserts are a little harder for me, but I still try. These days I’m pretty busy so sometimes my meals lean more towards a routine and a lot of Trader Joe’s comes to the rescue. I wouldn’t consider myself a vegan or vegetarian, however, I’ve been incorporating a lot of plant-based food into my diet. I’m not sure what to call that.

I spend time some time with my garden. I haven’t really gardened much growing up. The hope is that my thumb will turn green one of these days and I’ll be able to cook with ingredients from said garden.

That’s me in a quick summary! Drop a hello if you ever want to chat or grab some noodles or dumplings!